A few points:
- You admit that Europe/west granting a land that is not theirs is problematic to say the least. For example, China or Russia promising parts of Canada, the US or Europe in some future dystopia would be an apt analogy. Europe could have granted land in Europe, as you said, but chose to grant land that is not theirs with a people that was living in harmony with its jewish compatriots.
- You admit that the Zionists and British are “colonizers”. Your justification is that others have done it in previous wars and so why not. You justify ethnic cleansing (Nakba) and massacres because other previous conquerers have done it.
- The balance of power was always on the Zionist side, even from the beginning, because they had the backing of the west, including the UK, the US and France. It was the world powers with all their military power versus semi-colonized countries that were intentionally segmented by their previous colonizers where the west also supported and maintained local dictators and kings. In addition, the west’s military assistance, intelligence agencies, colonial remnants, media propaganda, extensive finance, in addition to covert and overt bullying have allowed the zionists to first partially ethnically cleanse and then to maintain their occupation of Palestine.
- The Zionists who were killed in this attack have everything to do with the dismal condition of the Palestinians. They supported the zionist state, live on occupied land and contribute as they can to the continued misery of the Palestinians. Those zionists and zionist supporters like every school in the Zionist state believe and teach jewish superiority and the jew versus goyeem perspective. No one deserves to die but most of the Zionists killed were certainly not blameless.
- The jews do NOT have a legitimate claim on the land. Using thousands of years old history is wrong for many reasons. Least of all is a history mixed with ugly fairy tales of a homicidal psychopath god promising land to some ‘chosen’ people. Everyone is descended from a limited group of humans who survived some 50,000 years ago and so everyone can claim any land by ancestral justification.
You yourself are not innocent having visited and lived in the Zionist state. The massacre of previous Palestinians is also partly on you. As long as you view yourself as a jew, you are part of the problem and will not be able to find or propose a solution. There should not be christians, jews, muslims or any other religious or national affiliation. John Lennon was right. The first step is to imagine a different perspective, especially those who have the flexibility to do so. For the Palestinian land, the only solution is one state for everyone. For the whole world, we should think of states as administrative units rather than identity. As for religion, religious affiliation, ethnic or ‘racial’ identities those are counter-productive. Their cultural content may be curated for some ‘good’ parts and the rest of their content poured down the drain of history.