All the religions I know are silly, idiotic and absurd and as Voltaire said "those who can make you believe in absurdities, can make you commit atrocities". That especially applies to the so-called "heavenly religions" (Judaism-Christianity-Islam) which could be better named as the "barbaric-idiotic religions".
What's special about Judaism is it is intrinsically racist. Their so-called god, a genocidal maniac par excellence, if judged just by the flood which, if it were not fictitious, must have killed at least hundreds of millions of innocent babies as well as innocent animals. That gutter god chooses one people and orders them to commit atrocities on other people. Just read, for example, the book of Joshua to get a 'taste' of the holy commands of that despicable demonic god. The current zionists occupying Palestine today are true disciples of that despicable, idiotic and psychopathic yahweh as everyone in the world now clearly sees, detests and abhors.
As for Christianity, the religion I was born in, it is the most hypocritical contradictory construct designed to allow psychopaths to have their cake and eat it too. Christianity tells you to “genocide” all you want and just before dying, repent and you get the ever lasting goodies. Hey, Paul did it so why not Cheney? Just look at the history of Christianity. The execrable Constantine made it Rome’s official religion, while himself remaining pagan, because he knew Christianity is the best idiotic religion to manipulate people. It makes people sheep towards their rulers and oppressors and raving monsters towards everyone deemed ‘other’. Doesn’t this perfectly describe most of the population of the ‘West’. Christianity then brought on the crusades, the inquisition (burning millions of women at the stake), elaborate new forms of torture and all the way down through the genocide of the native Americans, world wars, nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Vietnam massacres, bombing massacres in Cambodia, … , on to Fallujah, Yemen and finally the genocide in Gaza (yes, it’s the Christian Zionists pushing the buttons).
Yes, Islam is pretty bad and idiotic too. However, it doesn’t hold a candle to those other two monstrous religions. It is just the West’s propaganda that blows it way out of proportion and the racist ‘West’ that sees the death of about 3000 people, though truly a tragedy, as way more significant than the death of a million Iraqi kids that the contemptible Albright deemed to be “worth it”. Concerning the Shiite and Sunni conflict, that was fomented and nurtured by the US for obvious purposes. China came in and made peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran in no time. Finally, ISIS is a long-standing US funded project. There’s even a James Bond movie where the US is clearly seen as supporting the mujahideen, the origin of both the Taliban and ISIS, and they’re portrayed as heroes! Your memory span is only wide enough to fit the current propaganda that they wish to push on you. We in the East know who is even now supporting and arming ISIS. Didn’t even your Trump accuse your Clinton of creating and supporting ISIS during a previous election?
The majority of the world today don’t buy the lies of the West anymore. Even many people living in the West are starting to have serious doubts. You can wake up too. Start thinking that maybe you are the baddies and Iran, Yemen and China are the real good guys.