Although, in my country, we're suffering deeply from the US empire, I don't wish civil war on anyone having grown up in one myself. It is far too horrible to wish on any human society, no matter what they have done. Also, the people that suffer most in a civil war and most conflicts are the weak and innocent.
Most people I've met in the US, and I've lived there for 22 years (1982 - 2004), are good people. The problem is a combination of negative dogma and indifference. Both are programmed through the media and perhaps some through the educational system (or lack of it) by those who want to maintain power.
The situation is difficult to reverse. Nevertheless, I hope people in the US can organize to counter the psychopathic rule of the ultra-rich and find a way to awaken their brothers and sisters in suffering to the real situation rather than fall victim to fascism, nationalism and false glories.