As Yoda would say “you must unlearn what you have learned”.
The US is indeed ‘some sort of evil empire’. As you said, “Has a dictatorial nation ever been one of great benevolence?”. Hold on, you’ld say, the US is not dictatorial. Let’s take a side trip on that.
Perhaps, within the US, the political system is a kind of oligarchy and not completely dictatorial. Even if the political system was democratic, which it isn’t, the workplace definitely is dictatorial. People spend their lives at work and not at voting. Make the workplace democratic and then you can claim some democracy within. You accept the undemocratic workplace as natural and have grown up with that but it isn’t natural and shouldn’t be. In any case, voting, as Aristotle asserted and observed, leads to an oligarchy. More than half of congress are millionaires and that definitely does not reflect the population’s makeup. Furthermore, political campaigns and lobbying have a profound influence on congress and that takes a lot of money. The Koch brothers and CEOs of large corporations, for example, have way more say and effect on laws and their execution than all the taxi and uber drivers out there. The US system is effectively much closer to one dollar, one vote than one person, one vote system. In other words, in the political arena, the US is an oligarchy.
On top of that, as Indi pointed out in another article, citizenship is definitely not democratic. “Today entire classes of people are ‘illegal’ across the world, put in concentration camps, exploited for labor, and certainly denied franchise” and that is done through citizenship. (see In other words, the US can massacre people through bombs, sanctions or proxy wars without the consent of those people. Yes, sanctions through control of SWIFT and the dollar have killed more people than all the people killed directly. Albright, who died some week ago, publicly stated that sanctions that killed half a million children (aside from other civilians) ‘was worth it’ (see Famine, as I said elsewhere is the number one killer and the US has weaponized famine.
Where are the human rights of those half a million Iraqi children and all the others, like my country, who have and are suffering from imperial US?
Returning to Nazi Germany, why it is part of Europe and the history of colonialism and exploitation which has brought us the US empire today. As I said, the world including China and native Americans (an often forgotten genocide) would have been better off if (colonial) Europe and its progeny, the US never existed.
I will leave the rest of your rant on the rule of dictatorial Russia and China because I’m too tired to continue and I doubt you will move an inch from your brainwashed upbringing.