But does the US have that ammunition after the Ukraine debacle? I don't think the zionists believe they can win against the hezb this time around but they surely can achieve MAD. Besides, the zionist state has far more to lose with its infrastructure and population than Lebanon. Meron Airbase is a small example to which Lebanon has no comparable asset to destroy. There are many other examples such as Dimona nuclear reactor (yes, the secretary general of the hezb said it will be one of the first targets - think Chernobyl), Ammonium Nitrate storage, multitude of high-rises, a port that wasn't destroyed, numerous airports (civilian and otherwise - Lebanon has only one) and so on. Hassan cited a whole list in one of his televised speeches.
Furthermore, the hezb declares that the war will be into Palestine (at least the Northern part) and they will be moving the Palestinian refugees back to their homes afterwards! The hezb seems so confidant, and some seem even eager.
Of course, I don't want to see my country destroyed as I'm sure it will be and as I'm sure the zionist state will be too. However, as Thucydides says "The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must".
Finally, this is not just another conflict. This is a conflict during the waning days of an empire. The empire sees this conflict as delineating to themselves and others whether they still dominate or not and with them all Europe and the 'West' (the serfs). That is why the genocide is being continued in spite of it being televised and thus detrimental to the image of the ruling class and the self-image of the 'West'. I assume the fact of genocide doesn't bother the 'West' since they have done it many, many times before.