I understand where you’re coming from and, certainly, your arguments have merit. However, the idea of god or gods is intimately associated with religion and faith. And faith, to borrow Dune’s phraseology, is the mind killer. Faith is the mind killer because it is basically the human facility of asserting things as true even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
If you want to talk about human motivation, the search for meaning (to borrow from Frankl) or anything spiritual then call it as such and, certainly, it is important and even essential. If you want to talk about gods, devils and other fairy tales then talk about them in the context of those other things and make sure they are stated in the form of cautionary tales. God has been a source of evil in ‘history’, has domineered and constrained the expressions of ‘art and beauty’ and has corrupted the ‘purpose’ of so many cultures and communities. If you want to talk about god, emphasize most of all the ways that 'we may escape it'.