I used to respect your writing but finally you show your true colors. I thought you didn’t care about religion but it seems you’re a closet Talmudic disciple. You really internalize this jew-goyim supremacy. Needless to say, most of your narrative is prejudiced rubbish, and your blaming the Palestinians for the hospital massacre is especially vile with video footage clearly showing the Zionist plane strike.
You use your intellectual abilities to cherry-pick events and anecdotes that suits your particular preference and to promote lies about a wide and large group of diverse people rather than a seeker for the truth who has intellectual integrity. For example, you say that Egypt, Iraq, and Palestine cooperated with the Nazis yet even the Wikipedia reference that you gave shows that most denounced and opposed Nazis than cooperated with them. How could it be otherwise since the Nazis denigrated the Arabs.
The Zionists made deals with the Nazis (Haavara Agreement). However, presenting this as evidence that jews supported the Nazis is the equivalent of what you’re doing throughout your article towards arabs and muslims which you seem to conflate (for example, I’m an Arab but not a Muslim).
The Nakba is called that way not because of your twisted denigrating narrative but because there were wide scale massacres and ethnic cleansing of the indigenous population. Too much rubbish to answer one by one … truly, I’ve lost all respect for your writing.
As for “how have Jews managed to stay physically in Israel?”. It is indeed because they are backed by the imperial superpower and its serf Europe. Give tens of billions of dollars a year in addition to unlimited military, intelligence and economic support to any group of people with a Nazi-like superiority complex and ruthlessness and they will manage to cling on to any land they grab. However, the US does so because it sees the Zionist state as practically its colony in the area. It has nothing to do with its being liberal and in fact there are many extreme theocratic groups as well as right-wing fascists in the Zionist state. Nor is it due to Zionists being pragmatic which they’re not.
As for prejudice, I had a friend (Dov A.) at MIT. He told me that he went to a jewish school in the US before coming to MIT. He said they taught him the doctrine of jew-goyim in all its ugliness. He said he hated it and didn’t subscribe to it. I have no doubt this doctrine of supremacy, which parallels that of the Nazis but elevating a different group, has a lot to do with the utter inhumanity that the Zionists exhibit in their ethnic cleansing in Palestine and in their bombing of hospitals, schools, civilians and their use of white phosphorus on civilians. Current and past leaders of the Zionist state made innumerable calls for ethnic cleansing and they are many video footage of such (even in Moshe Dayan's eulogy of Roi Rothberg he said "and before their eyes we have been transforming the lands and the villages, where they and their fathers dwelt, into our estate"). You just rant about Muslims and Arabs projecting your own hate onto them and finally showing your true colors.
I'm for a one state solution. A large cooperative where all can live with equal rights. It's not going to happen but the sad thing is you do not even want it. You're very smart and educated but in the end you've shown that you are the child of your childhood's programming of probable hate and exceptionalism.
I will not read your essays anymore and this will be my final comment on any of your ‘essays’.