Nabil Fares
1 min readOct 21, 2023


I used Zionism according to the definition while you’re using the western propaganda racist slur. The Webster dictionary defines Zionist as:

“an international movement originally for the establishment of a Jewish national or religious community in Palestine and later for the support of modern Israel.”

So today, a zionist means a supporter of Israel (a land stolen from Palestine) which can be a Jew or a goyeem. If you’re living in, or to a much lesser extent visiting, the Zionist state then you are supporting it. Moreover, according to U.N. resolution 3379, Zionism was defined as a form of racism between 1975 to 1991. 1991 was when the US became the uncontested world imperial power and was then able to bully the world and do anything by bullying. Uncontested until the recent resistance of Russia and the rise of China and the BRICS. Thus the rabid propaganda and hate towards those two countries.

… but “But you don't really care for <truth>, now do ya?”



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