Is it the lesser evil?
In this case, Biden is GENOCIDALLY evil. Biden is and has been committing genocide, no less than the Zionist state. Saying that Trump would do what he hasn't yet done is disingenuous. Biden has already committed Genocide which is as evil as it gets. So BIDEN IS THE GREATER EVIL.
The message that you can FAIL to be re-elected because you're supporting genocide is a NECESSARY message. Well-worth enduring a second Trump presidency.
In any case, nothing will change in the US unless the US empire ends. This may either occur with the gradual ascendancy of China or perhaps a civil war in the US. Until that happens, both parties will inflict the same or more pain on people within and outside the US. The difference is either a side serving of hypocrisy or a side serving of overt racism.
In any case, an evil committed is worse than an evil presumed. Therefore, DO NOT VOTE FOR BIDEN.