Nabil Fares
1 min readJun 28, 2021


Jesus was not a real person so it’s useless to go over the details you did. Any un-indoctrinated child can tell you that people don’t walk on water, no one cures the sick by touching them, the dead don’t get resurrected or resurrect themselves and so on. Only a simpleton or a "true Christian" believes such obviously made-up stories. The New Testament was probably the equivalent of Marvel comics nowadays that a bunch of zealots parred down to only four books sometimes around 200 AD.

Of course, the importance of the New Testament in history is incontrovertible for both good and evil. On balance, it was for evil through no-fault of the contents of those books (the dark ages, crusades and inquisition come to mind). However, treating this Jesus as if he was anything but fiction is like the discussions of "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin". That discussion was laughable but it did help to extend the dark ages. So it is with treating this Jesus character as anything other than fiction.



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