First, let's not get into insults. In any case, I will answer you point-by-point:
Does Jumblatt own means of production such as Cement factories, real estate, commerce companies, construction companies and lots more? So he is a capitalist. He is everything I may have said he was and more, assuming I was talking about him ;-)
Electric sector:
The electric motors system makes it de-facto hybrid. Notice how 5 kW from a motor is maybe 5 to 10 times the cost of what you get from the national electric (check your bill) and you get unlimited wattage (or used to). This is in spite of extreme corruption so you must conclude that profit is effectively more corrupt than corruption! That gives you an idea of how effective 'privatization' is. In Zahle, the EDZ was established since 1924 and is highly regulated by the government unlike the independent electric motor entrepreneurs who started within the last 20 years or so.
What people should eat:
I didn't dictate what people should eat. I said the profit motive makes capitalist grind rotting chicken into powder and turning it into chicken nuggets to be sold as food. I said enough on all sorts of excesses that the profit-crazy capitalist will do and you know many of them if you've lived in Lebanon.
Private schools perform better:
They do, but only because the public schools are vastly underfunded and this is by a 'meeting of minds' engineered by the private schools. I think all the money used in private schools and universities should be invested in public education and we'll get even much better institutions than the current private ones and ones that are not built on hate, propaganda and submission to authority. I noticed you didn't challenge the fact that schools made illegal profits at an estimated rate of 70% while they're supposed to be non-profit.
Health care:
This is a no-brainer. All humane systems provide nationalized health insurance. The US is an exception. The US spends about as much on health as the rest of the world combined and yet is ranked in the 30 to 50 worldwide (in spite of partial national health care through medicare and medicaid) depending on what measure you look (such as life-expectancy). The top 20 all have nationalized health care. Of course, if you only care about the millionaires and above then private health care provides special perks.
No rich people but no poor people:
Currently in Lebanon, there are people who have private airplanes while I have seen people in Dunnieh that are skeleton thin and they wear a kind of robe made of stitched together newspapers. Yes, I would give my privileges to see social justice. A ratio of 4 to 1 between richest and poorest is a trade-off that was identified by the Elitist Plato over 2000 years ago.
Banks going to pay incomes:
In the current monetary system, in simple terms, central banks create 'base' money (so-called M1) and loans create more money by circulating it (also called 'velocity' of money). Money and physical or labor assets are different let alone regulations. At its core, money 'greases' the economic machine by allowing the orchestration of production and the handling of imports and exports.
Happy with their job as a doctor:
Studies on motivation show that above a certain minimum level, income plays no role in productivity. Read "Drive" by Steven Pinker for examples including highly productive companies like google. For example, Einstein was never rich but he worked intensively to the last moment of his life because he loved science. Profit actually sometimes skews the minds of some doctors and makes them act like monsters.
Finland has eradicated its most severe homelessness problems (considered best performer in Europe) by adopting a national housing policy which considers housing to be a human right to be provided by government if necessary (which they do).
Private generators (again):
see above
Therefore, your conclusion based on false premises is invalid.
Finally, in terms of productivity, the most productive countries in the world (top 5) are all highly socialist (google highest productivity countries - Ireland, Norway, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg ... all with great national healthcare, long vacations, superb pensions, unemployment benefits ... US is 6th then comes other socialist countries like Denmark, France and so on). US is number 6 but only because it controls the almighty dollar which it also uses as a weapon. Countries around the world are estimated to hold between 20 to 40 trillion dollars in reserve and every transaction using the dollar brings economic benefit to the US. If the poorest country in the world had their currency holding that privileged status then that poorest country would immediately jump to become a superpower (just add 40 trillion dollars to its financial assets). In fact, the US does indeed go to war when its dollar supremacy is in any way threatened. China is now threatening the dollar supremacy which is why China is now the prime focus of US hate.