Let’s start with ‘any set of concepts or objects with no rules’ which is equivalent to ‘anything with any rule’. That is our vacuum or mathematical ‘nothing’. In that space you choose subsets. Now you’re discovering and inventing at the same time because the restriction breaks the perfect symmetry of all possibilities.
Now some subsets may be summarized or perhaps approximated by a finite set of axioms plus a finite set of rules to generate other members of that subset. Those form islands of reality that can be separated from the nothingness. The restriction creates the reality and perhaps allows a glimpse of concepts that they may approximate. The restriction makes them real and extending them may be possible up to a point. Beyond some point, they merge with the ‘nothing’.
So, in principle, anything goes as Wittgenstein would have it, but only a subset of anything avoids collapse into the nothing. In that sense, we are discovering the subset because of the constraints. It is possible there may be distinct reality islands and each can be extended so far before they merge with the nothing.