Many people commented that ruling out life after death is unscientific. That’s true but the propositions as stated by various religions are silly and "not even wrong" as Feynman would say.
In any case, the truth may be beyond our ken. For example, according to general relativity, all space-time exists in one "piece’. So, while there are regions in space-time when-where you don’t exist, both before you were born and after you die, you still exist in every location-second of your life. Every joy and every agony of your life exists forever … your baby-self is ever crying with outrage at being born while your last-moment self is ever giving up the last breath …
In the time-symmetric formulation of quantum mechanics, both the past and the future are changing and ‘reality’ are complex interacting probability waves that get entangled in ways that are unintelligible to how our minds perceive the world … so you may never have existed in a few seconds from now only to next exist and re-exist in various incarnations of never-ending chaotic dances of probabilities …
Of course, we know that neither general relativity nor quantum mechanics are the last word in science if there ever will be. If even those ‘scientific theories’ defy the very framework of how we view life and reality, can anyone really propose anything as the definite Truth (except silly religions)?
We don’t know or, at least, I don’t know. However, I can’t help but cry out "BS" when I see it. Meanwhile, our feelings are real enough to offer solace and the universe is wide enough to offer education. So, let’s live, love, learn and be thrilled by this unfathomable life.