Only systems can replace systems. The destructiveness of a social system is mainly due to its mechanisms and not its intentions. The key problem is positive feedback (I.e. power begets power). Positive feedback ultimately leads to a steeply hierarchical system with insufficient or barely any feedback reaching the top. Thus you get psychopaths ruling with no motivation for community or indeed humanity.
Possible solutions:
1. Add sufficient negative feedback such as steep progressive taxation to redistribute resources. Arguably, this had limited success in the past but has been or is progressively dismantled. Reversing the trend is difficult now because you need sufficient political power. The tiny elite have successfully countered such moves and reversed them in many places.
2. Create a system without positive feedback that can grow and dislodge the current one. One possibility is to encourage a grassroots movement to replace voting with a lottery. This can start at the local level (a yearly lottery to choose representatives and the mayor) and gradually build up the movement to regions and countries. Make the selection of representatives be based on a random lottery system. This completely short circuits any feedback whether positive or negative in the political arena. In one shot, this removes money, cronyism and biases from politics. Statistically, you will have an approximate representation of the people (e.g. about half women, minorities statistically well represented … the vast majority of representatives won’t be millionaires and will more faithfully represent the people). This system can start small and has the potential to dislodge the current power structures once sufficiently large. It doesn’t prescribe what gets done by the distributed power but it does distribute power widely and encourages community and communication because no one knows who will be the next representatives
.… much more, but this is already too long.
Finally, things are indeed very dark now. However, the future is unpredictable and there are many developments underway that give hope. Primary of these is the rise of China. It is not what the West portrays and it does indeed bring hope to humanity.