So the culprit is really Western culture. A winner-loser, master-slave, colonialist, might-is-right, war-loving, massacres exulting, genocides addicted, individualistic mindset.
The reason the US really hates China is because China has communal values rather than individualistic values. Individualistic values that ultimately lead to Trump’s message: bigotry, racism and hedonism.
Consider that a Trump-like message would never sell in China. Those hearing it would be shocked and feel sullied. They would instead deeply resonate with Donne’s “no man is an island”.
By comparison, ‘mericans cringe at words like socialist or, heaven forbid, communist. Anything that suggest depending on and supporting each other is anathema to ‘mericans.
The Western values really boils down to depending on no one. This translates to having sufficient “power”, to being alone, to dominate everyone else. And it shows. Look at the misery the West has inflicted on the rest of the world for the last 400 years. Look at where your society is heading now. Everyone alone. Everyone living “a life of quiet desperation”. A tiny few psychopaths pulling the strings at the top.
There is no hope from or for the West. Hope lies in the East. You are invited but it will be difficult. You will have to face the truth that we are all deeply connected. That other people’s needs matter and that the “needs of the many surpass the need of the one”.