Nabil Fares
1 min readApr 16, 2022


Such a great read and a perspective that is new to me and so doubly delightful. The demystification that science attempts leads to finding nature to be objective and thus 'objectively counterintuitive' to our social nature and thus providing a new kind of 'sacredness' ... a delightful weave that I can almost taste the enjoyment in every sentence.

There's a lot of depth in what you say, but I remember someone saying that nature might not only be more than we've imagined but more than we can imagine. Both relativity with its suggestion that everything that ever was or will be is statically 'there' and quantum mechanics with its possibly infinite states, infinitely entangled ... there is much richness there that is yet untouched by the philosophers and there are hints of much more in the exploratory theories.

As for me, my way of coping is to say "I don't know" and, of course, I don't know and, sometimes, I love it being just so.



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