Thank you Caitlin. While you are sometimes successful in raising cognitive dissonance in some people who are, shockingly, still wavering on this issue, there are some that you will never reach.
Some of the unreachable people are simply narcissistic psychopaths. However, the vast majority of such people have an overwhelmingly dominant core identity that is built on the assumption that they are superior, chosen or better than others. For such people, no amount of facts, no matter in how many facets or how many ways you present it, will ever convince them. Invariably, that evil core identity has been forged in childhood and it forms a nearly unbreakable curse on the rest of humanity.
Are there instances of such people ever changing once that insidious identity has been forged in them? I have never seen it, although I’ve heard of cases, and I’ve lived and experienced a lot. If you have insights, please share. This is one of the fundamental keys to moving to a better society and any insights may be invaluable.