The US is way past the point of avoiding ’Hitler’. The US itself has been the embodiment of ‘Hitler’ since its inception and Hitler himself admired the US and its ‘spirit’.
While the US has many, many good aspects, those are completely overshadowed by its native-American genocide birth (which it never came to terms with) up till its current empire-doing-the-genocide through its Zionist tools.
Don’t vote at all. Be part of a future rebellion. Join the socialist or even communist party. Be radical. Organize to undermine the whole capitalist system which is killing human civilization and eventually most of life. The US empire has and is causing unimaginable suffering throughout the world. Just because Vietnam atrocities (and many, many other places) were not live-streamed doesn’t mean they were not as or more horrific than Gaza. But you’ve forgotten and your parents, who may have protested then, have forgotten and moved on. The US empire itself is evil and always has been and must be dismantled by the people living in its core.