To address your points:
- ‘debate has been going on for over 4,000 years’!!
No, mythology in a book read by very few is not ‘debate’. Many say they read the bible, few have done so. There was no ‘debate’ until the ‘West’ decided to get rid of its jews by exporting them to Palestine and then later to use them as an ‘unsinkable aircraft carrier’. After that, there still was no ‘debate’, just propaganda.
- ‘Israel as a state is t going away’:
The lifetime of colonial Israel is tied to the ‘West’. The ‘West’ is waning fast and when it becomes ‘the third world’ or worse, the Zionist state will go with it. This will very likely happen in your lifetime. The following expounds on that:
Israel cannot sustain any war without the continuous support of the ‘West’ and particularly, the US. The US is a partner in the Gaza genocide (the US empire committed many, many massacres at even larger scales). If the ammunitions and weapons stop today, the genocide would end in a few days for lack of ammunition. Zionist Israel is eminently vulnerable without continuous support.
And the West is waning fast. 80% of the US economy is in the service sector. A large part of that is the financial sector. All of that relies on the dollar and the dollar’s dominance is at a tipping point. What do you think would happen to a service economy if $20 trillion in world reserves were dumped and nobody wants the dollar anymore?
I predict very hard times for the US in the few years ahead. Yes, in your lifetime. Much worse than the Great Depression with no getting back. What was thought impossible or unlikely a few years ago is becoming highly likely today. When Rome is no longer Rome, the world’s top skilled people will also stop going there. ‘Rome’ would become a ‘third world country’ or worse.
- ‘world sentiment has completely shifted’:
That is good. Most people I’ve met with and from many different backgrounds (I’ve lived 22 years in the states) are decent and kind but afflicted with many untenable beliefs due to culture, religion, upbringing or intentional brainwashing. However, sentiment helps but is not decisive. What is decisive are the dynamics formed by the incentives of various social, political and economic systems. In that regards, the East is rising and their influence brings a different dynamic that I estimate will bring a much better world for most. Bertrand Russell once wrote, people will one day thank China for saving them from the toxic culture of the West. That time is near and with it the end of the Zionist state. It will happen unless the US destroys the world in a nuclear holocaust. I think that is why China is taking things slowly when it has the clear advantage.