Yes, Greenwald made a mistake and has wronged you but this does not wipe out all the good he’s done in his work with Snowden, his work against the ‘war on drugs’, his strong stance against the war on Yemen and much much more. In all this, he acted with courage and a willingness to change.
However, Greenwald views the US as going awry because of the loss of the ‘balance of power’. He doesn’t think the system is wrong. Racism, religious sectarianism (especially in my country), tribal/feudal allegiance and many other bigotries are really rationalizations for the end results of pathological systems. Systems with positive feedback loops that will inevitably lead to hierarchies waiting to be labelled. In any case, Greenwald desires ‘fixing the system’ rather than creating a new one.
Of course, you advocated for a complete overhaul of the system but it is not clear where the few concepts you provided could lead to. Simple ideas and rules can easily unfold into extremely complex and unjust systems. Revolutions often reproduce inequitable structures but with different labels. Intentions are not enough.
I generally agree with your writings and sympathize with what you’ve gone through but allow Greenwald this mistake (I know, I know, I wasn’t on the receiving end) because he has given a lot to the world and he’s still on his journey...