You mean like US cop strangling an unarmed man with his knee, uncounted number of cops brutally bloodily beating or shooting unarmed men, women and even children, torture and rape in prisons, 40 times the homicide rate as China, 6 times the incarceration rate as China … and that’s the US and only recently and on their own citizens. Going outside, we have Abu Ghraib torture in Iraq, severed heads of infants on US soldiers’ bayonets in the Vietnam war and let’s not even mention the atrocities in Latin America or the utter viciousness, savagery and atrocities of the US during the Korean War. No, no other country comes close to the savagery of the US, especially not China.
Free elections? In the US? A choice between twiddle dee and twiddle dum? It’s a facade. They’re as significant as the elections in China (i.e. none). Putting aside facades and propaganda, the objective of elections is the largest level of self-determination. Are you free in the US? Most citizens in the US live their days in abject servitude. It’s a complete dictatorship in the workplace and getting worse. Workers’ rights have degraded so much since Reagan that the UN declared they constitute a violation of human rights many years ago. The US government is the plaything of billionaires and does little for the common citizen. You don’t even have universal health care! A neighbor in Brooklyn once told me he needed permission to go to the bathroom because his job was categorized as mission critical. He wrote Excel templates at a baby Bell! The author of Dilbert cartoons said he based all his satirical cartoons on real-life incidents. In China, about 40% of companies are state-owned or worker/collective owned and the rest highly regulated. The government there, in spite of a much lower per capita, works for the people, not by, from and for the money. The government has eliminated deep poverty in a country over 4 times the population of the US. Not free but more democracy than the US. Newsweek article quote “The overwhelming majority of people living in China say they are living in a democracy. Most people in the United States say they do not” . This was based on a Danish (independent western yearly) poll