Nabil Fares
3 min readOct 16, 2024


You’re either a product of that $20+ billion psyops budget or you’re one of those brainwashed, clueless, ignorant ‘mericans who pride themselves on their ignorance.

Either way, answering you is futile but I’m going to answer because I feel like writing before giving my classes (engineering and computer science).

Over 500 schools, 94 health care facilities (including 26 hospitals damaged out of 36) and 79 ambulances were destroyed in Gaza. Even if you insanely assert that all had military installations, those and the leveling of city blocks wholesale are war crimes and crimes against humanity. How about Washington nuking NYC because NYC mobsters have their fingers in every pie in other states? And the claim of harboring military installations is far, far from the truth. TikTok videos (and other media sources) by IDF members show glee in killing, torturing and raping innocents. Those and a flood of other evidence, including clear statements by Zionist government officials at all levels, are a damning confession of genocide.

Furthermore, there have been several non-military intifadas and they’ve each resulted in thousands massacred. The killing hasn’t stopped since the inception of the Zionist state.

What you really support is the West’s ‘supremacy’ and the rabid continued exploitation of the world. Just in Vietnam, and from ‘merican sources (vast underestimate), six million Vietnamese were killed by ‘mericans in a war meant to terrorize the rest of the world. The real ‘winter soldier’ confessions include GIs cutting babies heads and putting them on bayonets to terrorize the rest of the world. That was the true purpose of the Vietnam war. Truly a mobster tactic and it ‘worked’ for a while. The irony is today, the US is rushing to have ‘most favored’ relations with communist Vietnam in order to ‘contain’ communist China.

This is just a tiny sample of a very deep-rooted evil that started about 400 years ago with colonization. Colonialism, genocide of the native Americans, slavery, two world wars, holocausts by the West (including in Congo, Algiers, Namibia and Germany), nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Vietnam massacres, bombing massacres in Cambodia, massacres and exploitation in Latin America, massacres and exploitation in Africa … , on to Iraq and Fallujah, Yemen and finally the genocide in Gaza and now expanding beyond.

I’ve studied (MIT) and lived in the US for 22 years and there I’ve met some of the nicest people in the world. It’s your exploitative institutions that are evil. Look what they do with ‘mericans in ‘merica. How do you think they treat ‘others’ elsewhere? This rabid empire is bringing us to the brink of nuclear holocaust. Truly, this is the most evil empire that is or ever was.

Am I a minority? BRICS is about 3 billion people (40% of the world’s population). Most of Africa and Latin America hold similar views to the BRICS. Of course, the West’s media which is mostly owned by 6 highly interconnected conglomerates are highly funded and widely heard. The vast majority outside the West laugh at it. Just look at the coverage of the Gaza genocide. Many of your university students and teachers reject it and a large number of them have been imprisoned for outspokenly denying it. Western lies are believed by a relatively small percentage (worldwide) of the indoctrinated, supremacy-biased, narcissistically inclined West and their minions. You are in that group.

But the West is in decline and the East is rising. As the poet 3antara says:

“If you knew, O Nu'man, that my hand

Is short of you, then days do turn.

Indeed, snakes <a metaphor for time>, even if they feel soft to the touch,

When they turn, their fangs will release their venom.”

“إِن كُنتَ تَعلَمُ يا نُعمانُ أَنَّ يَدي

قَصيرَةٌ عَنكَ فَالأَيّامُ تَنقَلِبُ

إِنَّ الأَفاعي وَإِن لانَت مَلامِسُه

عِندَ التَقَلُّبِ في أَنيابِها العَطَبُ”

Or perhaps you prefer Dylan:

“The times, they are a-changing”



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